My publicist made me go outside on Thursday.
Someone in his office (and you know who you are) decided after the first video we did for Instagram that Larry needed to do more videos. More? Do you remember how excited I was to do the first one?
But there I was. Standing in the middle of Klyde Warren Park. Getting past my anxiety of having to find a place to park and then appearing on video. Answering questions. Except the experience turned out better than I expected because I was outside for a change.
After being in Key West for a week relaxing, I came back to the office on Wednesday and immediately turned into hermit-architect, glued to my desk. How could I not? Vacation was over, and I had all these emails to respond to that I flagged while I was away (yes, I do this and don’t pretend you don’t). Not to mention project task lists to update and a meeting to prepare for that afternoon. I went so far as to order lunch in so I had extra time.
It did look nice outside. And you would think after a week of sunshine I would want a little more. However, I shifted straight into architect mode the minute I walked in the door.
And I think most architects do. If you asked us, we’d tell you we prefer to spend our day drawing. We’ll bitch and complain about all the paperwork we’re having to do and wish we were anywhere else. But give us a few free hours and we’re happy little CAD clams. We will tune out the world and work on plans and details no matter what’s going on outside.
Maybe that’s why I’m so pale.
My optometrist years ago tried to impress on me the need to walk away from my computer once an hour and give my eyes a break. Perhaps that should be amended to going outside for an hour each day and enjoying the sun and wind on my face.
Even if that means I have to record a video.