Four or five years ago, a client chastised me during an early morning site meeting for not dressing properly. The morning was quite chilly, and while I thought I was appropriately attired, clearly, I was not. My heavy denim coat was for the most part keeping me warm. However, I was informed I should have been wearing a hat. Something I’ll always remember, as he offered to have his mom knit one for me.
Also because he called me out for the reason I wouldn’t wear one. I don’t look good in hats.
Yet despite that memory, I found myself getting ready to head out to a client’s last week to measure the exterior of their house, in mid-30-degree weather, without a hat in my hand. Or on my head. And most likely would have made the trek had I not been talking with my sister, who told me to be sure to wear one.
Luckily a quick run by the house rectified that problem. James had several beanies he used for running in colder weather, and for good measure I also threw on a thin sweater. Not sure what I was thinking when I left home that morning. Whatever it was had nothing to do with making sure I stayed warm.
But warm I turned out to be. I hopped out of the car, threw on my jacket, pulled the beanie down over my ears, and went about measuring. And about halfway through, I decided I needed to text a photo and a note to my old client with me proudly wearing my hat.
Except I’ve never been a fan of being photographed. I know people who turn on instantly a camera comes out and look perfect in every shot. Unfortunately, that’s not me, and my iPhone certainly wasn’t showing my any love that morning.
Because one look at the selfie confirmed what I’ve always believed. I don’t look good in hats. In fact, staring at the photo, all I could think was how positively goofy I looked. Between my buttoned jacket, my slightly askew reading glasses, and the beanie, I quickly realized this is not a look for me. Or one I would want to emulate in other situations.
However, I did send this off to my client with a note and a thank you. I doubt I’ll every forget to wear one again. But if I do, I’m going to make sure there aren’t any cameras around.
Because I don’t look good in hats. And no one needs to see that.