I’ve started going to the gym again.
I may need to take a sweater.
After forsaking our gym membership in the middle of the pandemic, James and I realized the time had come to return. Sitting in our office chairs watching our asses spread wasn’t doing anything to get rid of our pandemic pounds. It was time.
However, in the year and a-half we’ve been gone, we both forgot a few things. One – never go on a weekend when the pool is open unless you want to park two blocks away. Two – keep an eye on when the gym closes. Nothing like showing up at 8 only to find out they close at 9. And three – just how chilly the YMCA is at 5:30 a.m.
That last one has caught me off guard these last two weeks as I’ve gotten back into my routine of starting my day at 5 to knock out some cardio. Especially since I don’t do anything strenuous that early ever. Hopping on a treadmill and taking a fast walk is more than enough to get the blood moving. And while I appreciate the gazelles next to me and the weightlifters who come first thing, that’s just not me. At 5:30 a.m., the thought of me and free-weights just conjures the image of someone pinned under a barbell, and that might not even be me.
Not that I’m complaining about the air conditioning. Very happy to have it. As dear readers know, I am a big proponent. However, if you’ve ever been involved in commercial design, you will have that moment at the end of construction when the building is commissioned, and the air conditioning system is balanced to keep the facility cool without overdoing it.
But I think someone missed that step at the Y. And there’s something off-putting about firing up a treadmill while you’re shivering. Especially when the temp outside is in the 80s or 90s.
Personally, I blame the Big Ass Fans they have running at full blast right over the treadmills. Not to mention they still have treadmills turned off to promote social distancing, which means finding one right at the edge of the fan downdraft is tricky. Again, if I was running and really working up a sweat, no problem. However, unless the clown from IT is chasing me with a meat cleaver, that’s not going to happen.
I do recall more than once during the winter months having the same experience. Driving to the gym with the seat warmers on and the heater at full blast, only to discover the indoors felt colder than the outdoors. And you couldn’t go outside to warm up.
James does have a different experience than me as he goes in the evenings, although last night he did remark that the space was just a bit chilly. But at least we’re able to get back into the gym and start saying goodbye to the extra weight. And who knows? Perhaps it’s just me, and I need to up my workout regimen a bit so I can appreciate the breeze a bit more.
Or maybe I just need to remember to wear a cardigan.