“By the way, we’re on Facebook and Twitter.”

That was my introduction to social media in 2009. One of my partners walked in and made that declaration, and of course, her two older partners had no idea what that meant. We just looked at each other and said “Okay.” But after a month or so of prodding, I decided to join Facebook. It didn’t seem like that big of a deal.

Yet 12 years later, here we are. Two Instagram accounts. Two Twitter accounts. A blog. Three different podcasts in those 12 years. A Facebook business page. The only thing missing is my personal Facebook page. And I’m not sure I’ve really been missing it.

A few weeks ago my personal profile was hacked, thanks to another friend’s being hacked. And in spite of trying to wrest control back, whomever got their hands on it did a great job of making sure I never had access again. People can’t even find my profile.

Not that anyone is really missing anything. Very rarely would I post or comment. Like most people, any time on was spent scrolling through my feed, seeing what everyone else was doing, and checking out the latest memes. Amazing how much time you can waste just doing that.

However, from time to time over the last few weeks I’ve thought about who I was connected to and wondered what they were up to.

Like Danny, who I graduated high school with but still has the body of a 20 year old. That despite post after post of him making incredibly decadent looking French desserts, including the multi-day postings on making croissant dough. So much butter. Oof! His co-workers thighs must be huge by now!

Or Aaron, who can be counted on most often to post something fantastically catty and/or bitchy, even if it’s about himself. The video of him making cookies while having a cocktail dressed in a pajama onesie had to be our favorite post by far. Lucky for me he also has an Instagram account where I can catch him in action.

And of course, I do miss seeing what the Southern Decadence boys are up to. Most of them we’ve known for going on 15 years, and I am amazed at how much has changed yet stayed the same. Always fun to see how little trouble we’re getting into as we’ve gotten older.

But at the same time, I’m not sure if hopping back on to Facebook is something I want to do. I could just live vicariously through the odd post that James decides to show me and not worry about having my own profile. And I’ve enjoyed my evening activity not defaulting to scrolling through my feed when I should or could be doing something a little more productive. Like writing this week’s blog post. Besides, my publicist has been knocking around the idea of TikTok. Perhaps I should find out what that entails and expand my social media presence a bit more.

And for now, just remain Faceless.