For anyone who has figured out how to blog weekly, much less daily, then kudos to you! And can you tell me how to do it?
For the past few months I’ve been telling myself I needed to write a post. Write a post. WRITE A POST!
But that didn’t really work. With all the other normal architect things happening (construction , documents for another client, and trying to work out an addition on a site with an angled property line) I found myself pushing off any writing. Besides, I was frantically prepping to speak in Virginia. Wasn’t that enough writing?
Which means here we are in December with me finally taking a breath to think about what to write. And what not to write. I even had an incident the week of Thanksgiving that I thought would make a great post.
So I would say hang on to your hats, but I don’t know many people who wear hats anymore. Hang on to your man-bun perhaps?
The Big Gay Architect is off to the races. And this time he’ll try not to wait so long between posts!
Feature photo by Joanna Kosinska.