Somehow, December has arrived. I realize that shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, given we just had Thanksgiving. But still. December? Already? And it’s the second of December at that! Which means we can start counting down the days.
Twenty-one days until the office closes for the year.
Twenty-five days until we’re on a plane to Key West.
And 29 days to wrap up any New Year’s resolutions before making new ones on January 1st.
Of course, that’s plenty of time to finish up, right? Sure, Christmas is going to take up some of your time with shopping, cooking, parties, and the actual holiday. Okay, maybe a lot of your time, but that still leaves room for making sure you’ve completed whatever tasks you set for yourself last January.
Or are you like me and at some point, just gave up on making any resolutions? I’m not sure when that really happened. Or if I ever really made them before. I’m sure I tried once or twice, but I would suspect like most people, I forgot them by the time December came around. And at this point, I’m not sure what resolutions I would make.
Have more fun? That seems a bit vague, and we seem to do pretty good with that throughout the year. We did manage to make it to Palm Springs and New Orleans this year. Then there’s the regular Friday night dinner with friends.
Be nicer to people? Well that ruins the fun part, although I have found myself trying to be a bit more forgiving when someone does something remarkably stupid in traffic. That doesn’t always happen – the part about being nicer to other drivers, not the stupid part. My car is currently at the body shop thanks to the stupid part. However, I do try.
Drink more wine? Part of me says I have that pretty well covered when Thanksgiving gets here. Plus any more would probably require making a reservation at Betty Ford. Besides, I do need time to do actual work.
Try to work less? I would love to do this! However, that pretty much went out the window when I hopped into business with my last partners. Instead of being a football widow, James is an architecture widow. He’s accepted that on most Sundays, I’ll be doing some work, either at home or at the office. Unfortunately that’s been going on since 2008 minus holidays and vacations, so I would expect working less would be a hard resolution to fulfill.
Perhaps like most everybody, I’m just not cut out for New Year’s resolutions. By the time December gets here, I have more than enough to do before the office is shuttered and we’re strolling down Duval Street. But maybe I’ll feel differently by the end of December, and as the shoe drops New Year’s Eve, decide to make at least one resolution.
Perhaps to drink less. Or do I make that when I wake up January 1st?