I am a fan of standing seam metal roofs. And for no other reason than aesthetics. When we renovated our house, that was one item I was more than willing to splurge on. Considering the decade in which the house was built and the exterior finish materials and colors, metal felt like the appropriate choice. Plus I’d never had a client say they wished they’d gone with shingles instead.

However, the one thing I never thought of was just how different the roof would sound.

Especially with the squirrels. Because from the sounds we’re hearing lately, I’m pretty sure they’ve taken up bowling.

Not that squirrels traipsing across our roof is anything new. Development of our neighborhood began in the mid-50s, so we have a ton of very mature trees. And the squirrels to go along with it. During the spring, you see so many you start worrying they’re forming gangs and will soon start shaking you down for extra nuts.

But I think for the summer, they’ve decided to start a bowling league.

No matter where you are in the house or the time of day, you can hear them running across the roof. Not that I would blame them for moving so quickly. That metal roof we love so much can’t be the best place to stand still in 100-degree heat. The sooner one can get across the roof to the next tree, the better.

However, every journey is usually proceeded by a thud. Like someone hasn’t quite worked off all their winter weight just yet. Or didn’t quite stick their landing. Or maybe dropped their bowling ball?

From our living room windows, you have a great view of the squirrels running up and down the fence lines. And it can be quite amusing at times. Seeing one traverse the fence between our house and the neighbor’s, I can almost guarantee I’ll hear them running across the living room ceiling in short order. Yet somehow, it always sounds like there’s more than one.

And though I’m not truly worried about roving squirrel gangs, the first time I see one in a bowling shirt, I’m leaving.