Architects always design. I don’t care where they are or what they are doing, the wheels keep turning.
At the lake – where’s a good place for a house and how best to orient the rooms?
At a friend’s home – you know the kitchen would work better if…
At a restaurant – they really need to rethink the layout so there’s some space for waiting.
And the spouse of every architect currently sheltering in space should be afraid. Because we’re having similar thought about our houses, too. In discussing how to deal with my office in the guest room, James made the comment that we just need another room.
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!!
Yes. I’ve already laid things out. No. It’s not going anywhere (I do want to stay married) but better out of my head than in.
Except with the additional time being spent indoors, architects aren’t the only ones going through this process. Homeowners everywhere are in the position of using their homes like never before and a lot are probably thinking “This would work great…”
“…if only I had designated space for the kids to do their schoolwork.” Parents are having to find space that works for more than just homework. The kitchen table that worked well for after school is now having to do double duty for remote learning, and maybe not working so well. Is there a designated space that would promote learning?
Photo: Sidekix Media
“…if only I had my own office.” Working at home is a new experience for a lot of people. Even architecture firms are navigating the ins and outs of having their staff at home. But not everyone has a place just for them. How do you create a space that allows you some privacy and the opportunity to be productive?
Photo: Roberto Nickson
“…if only the back yard was more inviting.” With park visits being frowned upon, we aren’t left with many options for being outdoors. Neighborhood walks are fine. (And how many of us have seen neighbors we didn’t know we had?) However, a nice patio and a pergola might go a long way towards fighting the urge to run to the park.
Photo: Randy Fath
“…if only having a mimosa with breakfast wasn’t considered day-drinking and the kids had a snow day.”
When we finally return to the new normal – whatever that looks like – most of these thoughts will fall by the wayside. And we’ll tell “war stories” about our time inside thinking “if only.”
Except for some of you, the wheels will keep turning as you think about your home and how the spaces work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friendly neighborhood architect (Hint! Hint!) to help you work out what the new normal at home means.
After all, architects are always designing.
Just ask our spouses.