Is That Twenty-one in People Years?
If you’re terrible with dates, social media will eventually remind you at some point that a friend/family member/spouse has an event/birthday/anniversary. If the combination is spouse/anniversary, you hope you’ve remembered beforehand. But nothing like a little panic shopping the day of.
Consequently, thanks to the folks at LinkedIn, I’ve been reminded again and again over the past couple of weeks that Spotted Dog Architecture is now three years old!
But when did that three years happen!?!?!
I swear it was only a blink or two ago when I was leaving my business partners and setting off on a new adventure. Yet somehow three years have passed, and I’ve barely noticed.
Not that I’ve been sitting idly by twiddling my thumbs. I’ve started a blog, a podcast, and (finally) launched a web site. I’ve spoken at conferences in Ft. Worth, Boston, and Virginia. I’ve moderated my first panel at this year’s AIA Conference on Architecture in Vegas. I’m chairing the advisory group for the AIA’s Practice Management Knowledge Community as well as the Board of Directors for the GLBT Chamber Foundation in Dallas.
And somewhere in there, I’ve also done a little architecture.
One of my first thoughts, when I was reminded of those three years, was “If I’m Spotted Dog, does that mean it’s really 21 people years?” Because there are days when I’ve gone to bed feeling fairly certain that’s accurate. Only to wake up and find out there’s still more to do.
So thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to send me congrats on LinkedIn! Very much appreciated in every sense of the word.
With any luck, I’ll slow down enough next year to lift my head up and realize another 7 years has gone by, Spotted Dog is only one year older, and people are still saying “Congrats!”